Love is not blind; it has an extra spiritual eye that sees the good and possibilities that others cannot see.—David Brandt Berg
Treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Love is a great beautifier.—Louisa May Alcott
Everyone has good qualities. Find specific things about others that you can sincerely compliment them on, and be generous with your praise. If you can't find anything right off, look deeper. Ask God to show you the positive qualities that must be there, because He sees things worth loving and praising in everyone. The harder it is to find that special something, the greater the reward is likely to be for both of you when you do. If you can find even a threadlike vein and shine a little love on it in the form of praise, it will lead you straight to the mother lode. People will open up to you, and you'll discover lots of wonderful things about them.—Shannon Shayler
Happy Valentine's Day!